This was Murphy's first real camping trip -- no campground, no other people, no other cars, and so -- no leash. He had complete freedom for two days. He kept us safe from bears and coyotes. And he had a great time.
The first thing he did was help with digging out a new fire pit.
The game is: drop the ball in the fire pit, bury it, dig to get it out, dig some more, -- repeat.

From morning till night he was in constant motion. I've never seen him more worn out.

Notice how he blends in with the dirt? That's because he'd been rolling in it for hours.
We were close by Bear Lake on the west side of the Tahoe Basin summit. Here he displays his water skills -- jumping, swimming, finding the ball. It's all about the ball.
The first day was all about swimming -- first in Bear Lake, then on to Miller Lake where Murphy chased a dragonfly for hours. When we got back around 4:00 -- he crashed out for a good three hours.
Next day was on to Ellis Peak -- at 8700' one of the tallest around. The view from the top was SPECTACULAR. The entire trail was three miles (so six miles out and back). I think Murphy's total distance was more around ten miles. He smelled every rock, peed on every tree, and chased every squirrel.
Although more fit for hiking, we decided to try it with bikes. Not so easy. But it was faster than all walking. As it worked out, we finished about half an hour before sunset. Wouldn't have done that if we'd been on foot.

Now that Murphy's old enough to come when we call (or maybe he's just decided he likes us enough to stick around) I think there will be much more camping to come.

Murphy Dog.