Thursday, October 23, 2008

For Jeff

Just remember this:

And this:And all will be well.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Murphy's a Bad Speller

Murphy made a special sign, since it seems to be birthday season again.

But he spelled Birthday wrong. So he decided to chew up the sign.

Then he realized there was more fun to be had elsewhere.

Like his rope!

Oh well. Happy Birtday!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Murphy's Got Skills

Murphy has amazing agility. Watching him run through the woods is a treat -- he bounds and hops and sometimes all four feet come off the ground. He's sleek, fast, and sure footed.

So I've been thinking about agility training so he can do agility courses. This past weekend there was a little amateur agility course set up -- so we took Murphy to see how he like it. He was so much more skilled than other dogs (and I'm not just bragging because he's my dog). He had NO problem with any of the little obstacles -- oh, except he wanted to stop and chew on the cloth tunnel. His main problem was not getting distracted by the other dogs. He just wanted to play with them, that's all.

Here's a movie of Jeff running Murphy through the course:

This little course was set up at the National XTERRA Championships (an off-road triathlon). So we also let Murphy show off some of his ball-chasing skills.